About us

GP Mortgage Corporation (GPMC) ACN 103 532 403 is an unlisted public company incorporated for the purpose of carrying on a mortgage lending business in compliance with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. GPMC holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (247274).

GPMC was incorporated in 2003 by the partners of Gray & Perkins Lawyers for the purpose of carrying on its mortgage lending business. For over 70 years prior to 2003, the firm of Gray & Perkins had been operating a successful mortgage lending practice that provided mortgage secured loans to clients.

Since 2004 GPMC has been able to offer Borrowers mortgage loans for investment purposes with a fixed interest only rate secured against real property.

GPMC offers its Borrowers a high level of assurance, reliability, certainty and quick loan approvals subject to the receipt of relevant information.

GP Mortgage Corporation (GPMC) is an unlisted public company that has a Board of Directors and qualified professional personnel with extensive experience in mortgage lending to ensure that loans are managed in accordance with the relevant regulatory guidelines and lender obligations.

GPMC offers interest only loans for terms of up to three years secured against registered first mortgage over residential, commercial, and industrial property.

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Guides and policies

Download our guides, policies and other documents here.


Tel: +612 8235 1223
GPO Box 750
Sydney NSW 2001